Top 7 Incredible Tips to Increase Traffic on Your Blog | OnSide.In
1. Social Networking
Today, everyone has a social networking accounts, either Facebook, Twitter or MySpace. One reason why your blog does not get many hits as you want it is because people do not know of the existence of the blog. Try to send the link to your blog in your status update or Twitter and this move will ensure that more people visit your blog.
2. Comment on other Blogs / Sites
Most people make comments that are almost predictable. When you go through the comments of a blog, some of the most popular items that are bound to see “another good” or “excellent job.” When you make a comment on a blog, do not forget to backup some strong rational thoughts. This way, you will get the attention it deserves. People want to know more about you and more, this could be the beginning of a beautiful relationship between you and the blogger.
3. Use Track Backs
While writing, make references to some of the well-known established bloggers. However, you may need to get their permission before doing so. This way, you will get a stable flow of visitors from their sites.
4. Take Advantage of The Weekdays
Monday Blues make people spend time at work while browsing the Internet almost every Saturday and Sunday, to give them the opportunity to recover from the weekend party mode. It is therefore easier to get more traffic to your blog in the coming weeks that weekend.
5. Image is Everything
When you meet a stranger or someone you know, your goal is to look your best, right? You want to make sure you leave a positive impression. Well, your blog must be well dressed to attract viewers. If the design of your blog and the screen is not attractive, then there is little chance that a viewer does not want to think about it.
6. Learn the Power of SEO
Optimize your blog for search engines, it is easier for your blog to be found in popular search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. While writing, using the right keywords, but be careful not too much, as this can make your message completely irrelevant.
7. Keep up to Date
Make sure you are one of the first blogs on the latest news. News more traffic than old news. People want to know more about “what is, now that happened a week ago.
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About Rohith V R
I’m glad you're here! I'm Rohith a 18 old young Entrepreneur, currently living in Thrissur, Kerala, India. if you like this article please it with social media, subscribe to our feeds